BoatSafe leverages the technology on your smartphone to keep you safer at sea.
Free to download, free to use.
Login and set up your profile
Start a voyage and enter some trip information
BoatSafe will record your position and notify Search and Rescue if you activate an emergency
Developed by a kiwi boatie to keep people safer at sea through the technology on their phones
As a keen boatie with over 30 years experience I am saddened every time we lose someone at sea. Search and Rescue is a difficult task, often made more difficult by the lack of accurate last known position information.
Over 80% of small craft users carry a smartphone, so it makes sense to leverage the technology for marine safety.
BoatSafe uses the location services of your smartphone to report your position. If you go missing without any notification then that data can be used to get a more accurate last known position.
If you experience an emergency, and are able to activate the Pan Pan or Mayday functions in the app a message will be sent directly to the Search and Rescue coordination centre. The message contains your exact position, nature of emergency, phone number and other data about your voyage and vessel.
Search and Rescue can then use that information to conduct the most effective operation and bring you to safety faster.
The BoatSafe family of apps
BoatSafe is the app for boaties that want to stay safer at sea. Nobody expects to have an accident or emergency, but as the saying goes, plan for the worst, hope for the best. By using the BoatSafe app on every voyage you have the piece of mind that in an emergency those looking for you will know where you have been, and even where you are, without the need for a chart, GPS or any other device.
BoatSafe Tracker is under development. This app will allow those who download it to request permission to view the location and trip information of a BoatSafe user.
This app is for those that want to know their loved ones and friends are safe while they are out boating and when they are due back.
The BoatSafe web portal is designed for emergency services to access vital information in the event of an emergency.
If a person is reported missing or overdue, or if an emergency notification is received, emergency services will be able to access a users trip information, boat data and bio data to establish the most effective search and rescue operation.
Corporate partners needed
We are committed to keeping BoatSafe free to download and free to use. We believe that when this app reaches a high level of market penetration it will save lives and give piece of mind to thousands of people who’s family members go boating regularly. From sea kayakers to fishermen in their tinny, from yachties to people out cruising in their family boats, this app will provide the data to launch a more effective search and rescue operation should the unthinkable occur.
To keep the app free we are looking for support from corporate partners that want to show good social stewardship. If you are part of an organisation that sees value in what we are doing and want to help, please get in touch.
Stephen Lyon
Marine scientist, dive instructor and businessman, Stephen has spent his life on the water and is committed to making boating safer with the BoatSafe app.